All items are donated by the residents of the community and the net proceeds of all sales go to the fund that is distributed annually to the wonderful employees who help the many elderly residents here. 10 Beautiful Vintage MINTON England Deep Blue Cobalt Gold Encrusted 10¼ Dinner Plates PA500 T & E Dickinson & Co. Buffalo, NY in Perfect Condition. After working for a brief space as a journeyman, he opened a store of his own at 370 Main Street, Buffalo in 1849. The firm later relocated to 254 Main Street in 1865 with Mrs. Elizabeth Dickinson becoming a partner the following year. The store remained at this location until 1949 when they relocated to Delaware Avenue. Dickinson Jewelry Store was Buffalo’s leading jewelry establishment. It contained one of the most extensive jewelry inventories in the country. The firm remained in business until 1965. The plates are all in beautiful condition. They have a deep cobalt early 2 outer edge (the blue is brighter than it appears in most of the pic). Both sides of the cobalt is encrusted with gold. The center of the plates are white with a beautiful flower basket in the center. The flower baskets have what look to be a laurel wreath surrounding them. On the back of 9 of the 10 plates is the MINTON ENGLAND logo (crown above something that looks like a globe) and then underneath that T. E Dickinson & Co. Buffalo, NY but one plate just has the Minton logo (with a laurel wreath around it). Also, somewhere on the back of each plate is written, “PA500″. PLEASE BE SURE TO SEE ALL THE PICS SO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING! I have many other interesting items up for sale, many to benefit this wonderful employee fund.